Eye Candy Loader Training

Eye Candy LoadersEvery Eye Candy Loader has successfully completed our special Loader training programme, created and managed by a qualified shooting instructor. We feel that both complying with the safety of shooting and an understanding of the etiquette and tradition of shooting is an extremely important part of our service. We pride ourselves in ensuring that each and every loader is equipped with a fundamental knowledge of shotguns and shooting to allow them to feel confident at any shooting event and to fulfil our client's requirements.

Our comprehensive training programme incorporates:

Eye Candy Loaders


  • Safety is of paramount importance.
  • Knowing where to stand whilst on a shoot.
  • Being aware of people and hazards around them.
  • Knowing how to handle a shotgun safely.

Eye Candy Loaders

Shooting Etiquette

  • Being safe at all times.
  • Knowing when to be quiet.
  • Remaining next to the shooter throughout the drive.
  • Knowledge of shooting terminology.
  • Dress code.
  • Always pointing a shotgun at the ground or sky.
  • Always having the shotgun barrel broken whilst not in use.
  • Never leaving a shotgun loaded before putting away.
  • Never laugh at a bad shot.
  • Encourage and applaud where necessary.

Eye Candy Loaders

Different Types of Shoot

  • Being aware of different ettiquttes for each shoot.
  • An introduction to shotgun assembly.

We believe in providing the best possible loader service to our clients and will ensure each loader is briefed to the client's requirements and the type of event concerned, whether it is a corporate clay shoot, game shoot, individual or stag shooting day.

All of our Loaders are highly motivated, fun and personable individuals that present themselves to the highest standard. By creating a professional and safe atmosphere our loaders are designed to make any shoot stylish and will always make your event a day to remember.